DRJ Records

Privacy Policy

Welcome to the website of DRJ Records Industries Private Limited. We prioritize the privacy of all visitors to our site and are dedicated to safeguarding the confidentiality and security of their personal information. Please take a moment to review this Privacy Statement before using our website or any related sites of the company.

Our Commitment

At DRJ Records Industries Private Limited, we respect the privacy of every individual who interacts with our website. Our policy regarding the collection and utilization of personal information and other data is detailed below.

Collection of Information

We do not compel visitors to provide personal information to access most areas of our website. However, we may gather personal information on a voluntary basis. This information may encompass names, phone numbers, email addresses, and any other pertinent details. Additionally, questions or comments submitted by visitors may contain personal information.

Purpose of Information

The personal information we collect is utilized for business purposes, such as providing information or interactive services via this website. This may involve delivering information to your email address or, if preferred, to your postal address. Furthermore, we may use this information to solicit feedback or to contact you regarding services offered on our website.

Security Measures

We are committed to treating the information we receive from you on the internet with utmost care and prudence, employing reasonable precautions under the circumstances.

Thank you for reviewing our Privacy Policy. If you have any queries or concerns regarding the handling of your personal information, please feel free to contact us.